NOW We’re asking you to answer our call.
Become part of our dedicated organization of 100% volunteers who all have one thing in common...
the drive and willingness to help those in need.
No experience? No Problem! Chances are you have experiences in other fields that you probably didn’t even realize have value in the fire service. While becoming a firefighter isn’t something that happens over night, we will provide you with all the required training to make you a valued member of our team.
Health Checkups
Being a firefighter isn’t for everyone. We’ll provide you with an in depth annual physical to make sure your body is up to the physical and mental demands. Keeping you safe is our top priority, and making sure you’re healthy and stay healthy helps us to keep moving forward.
Tax Breaks
Staying active has its benefits! Receive an annual property tax abatement of $2,000! The Town of Middlefield also provides a Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) to help retain and reward our volunteers and provide tax deferred income benefits.
There are so many other services we provide outside of fire protection and you can get trained in as many of them as you’d like, on us! From emergency medical, ice rescue, hazardous materials, and drone operator, (to name a few) training opportunities are limitless.
It is called a fire HOUSE for a reason! It is a second home to many and once you join you become part of our family. That goes for your family too! We put on numerous events throughout the year to keep your family involved and make them apart of our family.
The only piece of equipment we don’t have is you! We’ll take care of the rest. We provide you with high quality equipment that meets strict safety standards to keep you protected. It takes over $5,000 to outfit a new firefighter, but that responsibility won’t fall on you.
What types of incidents do we respond to?
We respond to a wide range of incidents including building fires, vehicle accidents, medical emergencies, hazardous materials incidents, marine/water rescues, wildland fires and rescues, and much more.
How many calls does the department get?
We average about 350 calls per year, which is about 6-7 calls per week.
Why should I get involved? What's in it for me?
It's definitely not for everyone, but if you like adventure, excitement, and the idea of helping others, you may be the person we're looking for. We also have a town sponsored tax abatement program and retirement plan. Participate in multiple free training opportunities in Fire, Rescue, EMS, FAA Drone courses, and much more.
What are the requirements to apply?
You must be at least 18 years old with a valid driver's license, and be a Middlefield resident. That's it! The application process consists of a physical assessment and drug test, application review, and an interview with our membership committee.
What if I'm not 18 years old?
No problem! If you are between the ages of 14 and 18, you can join our Explorer Post. It is also a great way for kids and parents to get involved together! Click here to learn more!
I want to get involved, but I can't commit the time.
Nowadays, people seem to be more busy than ever, but our members are no exception. We have members who have full time jobs, multiple jobs, families, some are students attending school. Members who are single, husbands, wives, parents, and even grandparents. White collar, blue collar, and retirees. We have members from all walks of life who are all able to find a few hours each week to devote to the fire company. We also host events throughout the year for our children and families.
What is involved after I join?
The largest part of becoming a member is training you to handle a wide range of emergency incidents which we could be called upon. With that, we take training very seriously. You'll participate in an extensive training program, both in house and in regional classes, that will qualify you to perform the duties of a firefighter and go towards an emergency when others are going away from. You'll be exerting yourself physically in abnormal environments and required to perform manual labor.
It can be hard work. You'll be sweating and getting dirty. You'll be provided with all of the equipment you need and will be encouraged to respond to as many calls as you can. Responding to calls is the best way to learn.
You'll become part of an organization that will be a second family to you and will continue the volunteer fire service tradition.
Are you interested in becoming a member, but you're not sure how or want to find our more info of what we're all about?
We understand this is a big commitment and want to make sure you are informed. Email us at info@middlefieldfirect.org or stop by the fire house on one of our drill nights (every Monday, prior to 7:00 PM) to check it out for yourself and talk with a member. We'll gladly show you around, arrange for you to watch a drill, and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to stop by with your family too so they can see for themselves!
Check out or membership list under the "About Us" tab on the top. There is a good chance you may know a friend or neighbor who is a member that can speak to you about the fire company as well.