2024 Santa Express
Santa will be stopping in Middlefield this holiday season
Here’s how you can be sure he makes it to your house:
REGISTER online by Friday, December 6
DROP OFF a present with the child’s name. It is your choice and up to you to wrap the gift. How the gift is dropped off is how it will be delivered. All gifts for that house will be bagged and tagged for that address. Drop off will take place at the Middlefield Fire House, 406 Jackson Hill Rd at the following times:
Monday 12/2, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Friday 12/6, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Monday 12/9, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Wednesday 12/11, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
DELIVERY will take place Sun. December 8 and Sat. December 14, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Sun. December 8th Delivery is FULL
QUESTIONS contact santa@middlefieldfirect.org.

We will be in contact with scheduling and updated details early in the week of delivery so you know when to expect Santa at your home. We will add additional delivery time as available.
You can have as many children at your home as you wish and they do not have to be Middlefield or Rockfall residents, but Santa will only be coming to Middlefield and Rockfall.
We will only have a set amount of time at each stop to be sure Santa can reach everyone.
Santa will not be coming inside any homes.
You can take as many pictures as you’d like with Santa or the fire truck outside.
Please remember that we still have an obligation to provide emergency services and protection in town. While we will do our best to stick to our schedule and update you of any changes, Santa’s arrival may be delayed for emergency calls.
There is no cost for a delivery as we feel everyone should have the opportunity to get a visit from Santa. Our volunteers are excited to be able to provide this to our community!
We are always accepting donations, which can be made through our community mailer, on our website, or via Venmo (@middlefieldvfc). We appreciate our community’s continuous support!